Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wife Unknowingly Dating Her Husband On Facebook – A Must Read Story

Amazing crizz

A married couple work in different cities, he works in Abuja, she in Lagos, he goes home every weekend. Both have Facebook accounts. The wife has vowed never to date anybody on Facebook, more so that she is happily married. She even gave her hubby the impression that she does not go there frequently like others do.

One day while bored at work he playfully creates a Facebook account with a fake pix, he sends his wife a request & she adds him.
They chat regularly over 1 month, she finds him very exciting & is always looking forward to chatting with him, she began to hate weekends cos he was never available to chat. They chatted about everything and recently their chats became very sexually explicit, she got turned on by d things heasked her to do, then one day he asks her to send a pix of her private part, she excitedly does that without hesitation , he then asks her to take other pix of her body parts & she did & sent all to him.
The husband called her that he would not be coming down to Lagos for that weekend because of a seminar in Abuja. When askedabout her itinerary, she told her hubby that she will be home for the weekend with the kids.
Both Facebook lovers then arrange to meet in Nicon hotel Abuja Rm 101 but unfortunately for her, she came and saw her husband.
WHAT IF IT WERE YOU, what will u do? Please, Be Sincere.


  1. Hahaaaaaa. .I taught I was going to start reading the chronicles of fifty shade of grey...lolz
    9ice 1...

  2. Interesting, i wonder what the wife will say!

  3. Cheating has practically become the order of the day. There's still a few good guys like me though..

  4. She will probably tell him she did all that because she knew from day 1 that he was the one... Period.

  5. Hahaahahah!chai shocker of life.i will turn it aroundd.

  6. OMG. I'm speechless right now.

  7. Terrible something... I bet she would wish the ground would swallow her right there. Would have been a different story if she didn't encourage him to talk of obliging him at all. She would be disappointed to find out that he was trying to put her to test.
    Nice space!

  8. Lie no dey finish. Na to continue the part two of the lies.

  9. can happen to anyone.stop acting saints here but ds is just a lesson to be absolutely faithful to ones spouse.

    1. I don't support your comment because it can't happen to just anybody, for crying out loud, the woman was married, how on earth would a married woman sent a nude picture of hers to a stranger , a Facebook friend that she haven't even dated for many years..I'm married and I can never send a nude picture of mine to my husband because it might be seen by someone else incase my husband is careless with his phone. ..If I were the man, the woman should just forget about our marriage. .

  10. I'll just keep playing along as if I knew all the while it was going on

  11. I will simply play along an tell him I av always known it was him all this while.

  12. Nothing much to do,he will just divorce her so she will have much time to chatt by the weekends

  13. Dat woman is a cheat of d highest kind...for God sakes she's married wat bizness does she av wit anoda man to d extent of sendin nude picz nd arranging to meet? Dats d height of it...Lord!!! I pray d man 4gives her.......

  14. Greedy woman, she nor fear God at all. God 4give her.


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